UniTri | ご提供アイテムのご案内

ホテル椿山荘東京(東京)と箱根ホテル小涌園(箱根)では、UniTri~stoode for Universal&Trip / Universal&True~の考え方に共感し、より多くのお客様のご滞在が快適なものとなるよう、以下のアイテムをご用意いたしております。

ご希望のお客様はどうぞHousekeeping または Frontまでお声がけくださいませ。


Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo and Hakone Hotel Kowakien sympathize with the concept of UniTri~stoode for Universal&Trip / Universal&True~ and have introduced the following items to make the stay of more guests more comfortable.  If you require any, please contact Housekeeping or Front Desk.

Aretori | by SEKISUI

Aretory is spray to reduce uncomfortable substances derived from pollens and ticks in daily life time . (Recommended product by Japan Atopy Association)

Itoguchi | by Kimono brain

A full body shampoo, lotion, and cream that uses silk-derived ingredients made from green cocoons, which are highly moisturizing.